Tooth Bridge Mundaring

A dental bridge, also known simply as a bridge, is used to replace one or more missing/extracted teeth by bridging the gap between two adjacent teeth. They offer both functional and aesthetic benefits. They provide a stable and natural-looking alternative to dentures, particularly in cases where dental implants may not be suitable or feasible.

Dental Bridge Mundaring

Dental implants have advantages over dental bridges, in part because dental bridges require reduction or shaving of adjacent teeth. That being said, dental implants are not the best option for everyone with missing teeth and dental bridges offer a non-removable (fixed in place) alternative. Bridges provide for the replacement of teeth while delivering equally natural-looking and functional results.

They help maintain the function of your teeth, including chewing and biting and bite alignment of the teeth. They also help improve speech and self-confidence. Book an appointment today and we can examine you and see if teeth bridges suit you.

Tooth Bridge Cost/ Cost of Dental Bridge

Dental bridges can be equally or more expensive than dental implants. The provision of a dental bridge is an involved procedure which requires clinical assessment before an exact price can be given. 

Book an appointment today to revive your confident smile.

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We accept all health funds at Revival Dental

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Revival Dental

- Located in Chidlow (Mundaring Region)

Address: 2/2 Memorial Ave, Chidlow WA 6556
Phone: (08) 6555 6883
Hours: By appointment only, appointments generally Mondays, Thursdays 10AM-5PM

    Book your Dental Appointment Today
    We accept all health funds at Revival Dental